Almost all team members choose to get a 12 gauge competition double barrel shotgun. These are very different from a hunting shotgun for several reasons. They are several pounds heavier because the weight of the gun helps to reduce felt recoil. The weight is also due to the sturdier construction of the firearm because it is expected to fire many more rounds per year than a hunting shotgun.
Competition shotguns are much more adjustable than hunting shotguns. The coaches' goal is to fit the shotgun to the athlete so that it shoots wherever the athlete looks. Competitive shotguns will have adjustable combs, stocks, and triggers to assist with this process.
You do not need to be alone when you decide to purchase a shotgun. All of the coaches and many parents can give you advice on different shotguns and many high quality shotguns can be purchased at a savings on the used market.
Team members will need eye and ear protection, a pouch for their ammunition or a shooting vest. All of these items may be found inexpensively at your local gun shop, Wal-Mart, or Amazon.
Team members need one more piece of kit that they may not expect; flat shoes. Boat shoes, Hey Dudes, Converse All Stars or any other type of shoe with a flat sole are best for shooting trap because they help the athlete to maintain balance. Running shoes or shoes with a thick sole generally cause the athlete to struggle.
1. Do I need my own shotgun?
2. What kind of shotgun do I need?
3. What other equipment do I need?
You do not need a shotgun to start. The team owns several shotguns that you can use at no cost when you start. This is a great option as you figure out whether you enjoy the sport and the team.
You will eventually need your own shotgun once you decide to be part of the team.