TAMPA BAY CLAYS    Youth Clay Target Shooting Team

​​The Tampa Bay Clays youth clay target shooting team is a 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to making heritage shooting sports available to Tampa Bay area youth athletes. 

We know how frustrating to is for athletes and their parents to be constantly asking friends and family to buy chocolate bars, cookies, calendars, etc., so we hold one fundraiser per year; a Sporting Clays shoot at Tampa Bay Sporting Clays.  The money from that single event is stretched to subsidize targets, ammunition purchases, event registrations, and travel, for all of our efforts.

We gladly accept donations.  Each donation, large or small, is tax deductible and goes directly to support our athletes.  We accept donations through PayPal.  If you would like to donate through an alternative method or wish to donate equipment to the team, please contact us.

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